Caviaroli was created at 2011. It was the result of 2 engineers specialized at mechanics, electronics and biotechnology. Thanks to the extensive knowledge in those scientific fields mentioned above, the engineers created something that many people though as impossible; encapsulate the olive oil but remaining de...

Barcelona Culinary Hub is a school specializing in the gastronomic sector. His main offer of studies are masters in cooking. The master's degrees offered by the school are the following: 1. Management and innovation in restaurants This master's degree lasts 12 months, in online format...

GOLD SPONSORSHIP -Stand Gold, Conference and sponsorship of a Congress Day-  WHAT INCLUDES? 1 Platinum Stand. 1 Conference in the auditorium. Branding in the auditorium. Logo highlighted on the event's website with a link. Blog post of the event. Dissemination...

SILVER SPONSORSHIP is dedicated to sponsoring Fast Meetings WHAT INCLUDES? 1 Platinum Stand. Sponsor branding in the space where the Effie Fast Meetings session will be held or during a "Lunch Talk". Logo highlighted on the event's website with a link. Event blog...