by Florence Egal,  expert in sustainable food systems   Sustainable development can only be achieved through the combination of economic development (including ending extreme poverty), social inclusion, environmental sustainability and good governance (including peace and security)    We are presently facing interconnected crises of nature loss, climate change and...

by Davide Cassi Department of Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche, University of Parma, Italy   In June 1756, the Duke of Richelieu, leading an army of 12,000 men, embarked on the occupation of the island of Minorca, which was under English rule at the time. His military chef...

It will come as no surprise to hear that the integration of scientific knowledge in cooking, such as the kinetics of enzymatic reactions and their dependence on temperature or pH, has revolutionized our understanding and ability to manipulate texture, flavor, and/or aromas in the gastronomic...

Promoting a new scientific discipline From July 22 to 26, 2024 The course is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of food, cooking, gastronomy, and related areas. It will consist of 5 double sessions per day covering theoretical and practical aspects of culinary and...