Who are they? As former coffee and tea traders, the Barry family set the tone in 1842 by traveling to Africa to seek and harvest a selection of cocoa beans to transform them into the most refined and delicate cocoa and chocolate products. Acquired by the...

To talk about Balfegó you have to understand the passion for bluefin tuna. It is one of the most exquisite products in the world used in many haute cuisine dishes due to its incomparable flavor and excellent properties. In the case of Balfegó, it is a...

Today we are talking about Aigües de Barcelona, ​​the public-private company that manages the water of the metropolitan territory of Barcelona. The Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona is one of the most populated areas in Europe. Formed by 36 municipalities and with more than 3 million inhabitants,...

An international company that fosters scientific innovation in food   Griffith Foods is an American company that was born in Chicago. Griffith Foods is a global product development partner specializing in food ingredients, from condiments, coatings, flavors, baked goods, and more.   One of the most important values ​​that...

The Science and Cooking World Congress Barcelona is the main reference and inspiration in the Gastronomy sector due to greater professionalism and a demanding society in adaptation and sustainability of the sector. The motto of SCWC Barcelona 2021 is: “Sustainability. Investigation. Economy. Health ".   Target audience of...